Government Decision 912 March 1974:
A security officer of educational institutions will be appointed in each Municipality
The Municipality is responsible for the safe handling of all educational institutions In its territory
Over the years domains of responsibility for the security officers have been added as “first responders” together with the Rescue forces, Police, IDF
Today, security officers operate in all the Local authorities
In large authorities, the security officers conduct a broad array of security personnel, advanced technology and operate in a wide range of routine security systems and emergency preparedness
The local authority constitutes the "Livnat Hayesod" in the national preparations for dealing with emergency situations, and the security officer is a key player in the municipal system to ensure that the Municipality is ready to order.
Main areas of activity of security officers
Securing educational institutions
Safety in educational institutions
Securing the public space
Securing municipal institutions
Event security
Emergency assessments
The security officer is a local authority employee guided by the Israel Police
He is obligated to a professional training and He is part of a professional community organized by The Association,
a body that coordinates the training of security officers, knowledge management, professional tours and the transfer of information between the Authority and the Authority